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February 13, 2021

7 Exciting Features that you should Look for in a Multifunctional Printer this 2021

I know what you’re thinking, “Who needs a printer or a copier these days?”

That might be a legit question but there are still proper and good uses for this kind of device.

In fact, there are digital copies on your screen that you just want to get a hold of and write something on. There’s still something about physically holding a copy that makes it more real and more personal to you compared to just looking at it on the device’s screen.

If you agree, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a multifunctional copier and printer right in your home office, actual office, or even at home.

Not only are copiers and printers very useful in the workplace, but they’re essential in the new world of online classes. Children definitely need physical copies of their workbooks and activity sheets.

Having said that, here are the seven exciting features of copiers and printers that you would love to have when looking for your next purchase or copier rental choice.


These days, portability is everything. One day you’re working in the office, another day, at your home. Sometimes, you may need to rent a co-working space just to get the job done. If your work requires this kind of mobility, then you have to find a portable device for printing and copying. When it comes to portability, the best that we’ve found are multifunctional copiers weighing as light as 6 kilos.

Automatic Duplex Printing and Copying

When you’re printing something, all you want is to feed the device with paper and click on the document that you want to print or copy, and you expect it to do the rest. Well, that’s pretty standard in all copiers and printers, but there are those that stand out because they don’t only print automatically, but they can also turn the paper automatically and print on the other side.

Automatic duplex printing and copying is one of the best features that you’d want to have for your device. It helps you save on paper and print efficiently.

Advanced Security Features

Another good thing to look for when renting a copier or buying one is the set of security features installed in the device. Does it keep track of the usage and the users who accessed the device? Does it enable users to set PIN or passwords? If it has a USB port, does it have a security feature to disable copying of files without permission? Scrutinize the device’s security features and correlate them with your home or office needs.

Mobile and Wireless Printing

Photo credits to App Developer Magazine

Just like ensuring the security of user files in the device, check the apps that are associated with the device if they allow mobile and wireless printing from a separate Android or Apple device. Check if the app has that capability so you and your colleagues can conveniently print and copy files from your mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and PCs.

Max Printing Capacity

It goes without saying that your copying and printing devices must be capable of the volumes that you require. If you will use the device in your office, consider how many prints or copies you need every day.

If you’re using it at home, for the kids’ online school, and for your work, how many copies and prints do you need in one go? You should be able to answer these questions so you can find the device with the printing capacity that you require. Info on the maximum printing capacity of a printer or copier is always available and easy to find.

High Scanning and Printing Quality 

Just like the printing capacity, you must also consider the quality of print and scan that a device produces. Do you need high-quality prints for work and for the kids’ schooling? Run a trial printing before purchasing a device, or if you cannot physically visit a store, check for the reviews of the unit that you’re eyeing and look for photos showing a print sample. If you’re still not convinced, get in touch with the seller and ask for a way that you can see a sample. 

Sleek operation

Finally, make sure that the multifunctional device that you’re about to purchase operates smoothly. Some of the pointers to consider are:

    • Does it print quietly?
    • Is the touchscreen responsive?
    • Does it have an easy-to-navigate interface?
    • Does it print fast?
    • Does it have any trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi or detecting a device?

These are the seven features that you should look for when buying your next piece of printing device.



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