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January 21, 2017

Print Management


How to Manage Your Print- Reduce Running Cost on Printing?

There are a few ways and guidelines that if followed could help you to manage your printers better and reduce costs on printing.

One of the most important factors is to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines that comes with the printer. As with any other machine, the manufacture always provides a set of guidelines that will help the customer to use the machine and optimize its performance. There are numerous details that come into consideration in such guidelines. The types and brands of color that are being used, the electricity output, the hours of operation and intervals, etc. All in all it helps to determine the printer’s performance. There is also a user’s manual that comes with basic step by step pictorial proceedings on how to correctly use the printer. Also, the quality of the products that are being used with the products also makes a huge difference on its output.

While low-grade color may seem to be the cheaper and better option for bulk work, it would eventually degrade your performance in the long run. It might also not sit well with the machine and incur heavy costs later on. That is why it is necessary for you to go with one of the recommended and well-known brands even if it does cost you a lot of money in the beginning, it would certainly last in the long run.

Many organizations also have printers that are outdated and obsoleted. These printers often incur a lot of maintenance costs. By hiring the print managing services you can work on these devices and replace them with newer and cost effective ones or get rid of them entirely. Especially obsolete desktop printers come with a lot of financial baggage that can be pretty tough to handle.

But in any organization, implementing Managed Print Services can often face adversity from its members. Reasons like decreased productivity, privacy, costs, and IT interference may be brought up. The best way to tackle this kind of adversities is to analyze the extra costs and inconveniences created by such devices and present to employees to have a more lasting impact on their reasons.

Consolidating printing solutions in any organization can be an uphill task. But pointing out the plus points of such steps can help out with the implementation. Advantages like cost cutting, better access, better quality, and environmental issues can be put forward to make members believe in the expertise that lies behind the consolidation. Modern printers give better quality, are more efficient, consume energy more efficiently, and are also much more environment-friendly. There are also various new technological breakthroughs that happen every day and print management and consolidation can help us work with state of the art hardware to produce the best possible results at better costs and management. Features like double-sided printing have only come in recent printing hardware and can prove very efficient and beneficial for organizational use.

There are also various other features that are there to protect the confidentiality of certain documents. The “Follow-You” printing lets the user authenticate the print at the device so that it is only printed in safe hands. Print management and routing software help users decide where to print certain documents and there are various options available that are specifically suited for some kinds of work. Modern technology allows printers to enable more productivity and efficiency.



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