77 High Street #08-12
High Street Plaza


8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Life of a copier sales person

When I first started in the copier industry, I had no client’s database, no previous exposure to the market, no contacts or pertinent corporate circle. As part of the copier industry practice, I had to make more than 100 cold calls a day in the hope of securing[…]

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Cost Effective Inkjet Printers

The Inkjet Printers- Models & Cost Comparison When it comes to printer & photocopy machines, we have never ending choices in the market. If you are a buyer of a new printer, or just want to replace your photocopy machine, the first and foremost factor you think of[…]

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The cost of owning a new photocopier machine

Like all other electronic products, the value of a photocopier machine depreciates fast. While a used iPhone 7 may still hold 60 percent of its value after a year, the same is not true for a photocopier machine. More often than not, you would find it difficult to even[…]

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February 1, 2017
Buying or Leasing expensive copier

Cost of owning or leasing a copier As far as administrative works are concerned in an office environment, printing has always been part of the day to day operation. However, just like owning a car, copier machine is considered a liability and is every company’s running costs. It[…]

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January 21, 2017
Print Management

  How to Manage Your Print- Reduce Running Cost on Printing? There are a few ways and guidelines that if followed could help you to manage your printers better and reduce costs on printing. One of the most important factors is to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines that comes[…]

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