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How to Reduce Your Printing Costs?

It’s common to take the cost for granted when printing papers, both at home and at the office. People rarely think about the cost of ink and paper used in the process, and keep on using it rigorously. This thoughtless use of printers not only results in increased printing cost but also effects our environment due to the exhaustive use of resources. This is why you should consider the ways to reduce your printing costs.

How much do you spend on printing? Are you thinking the same these days and trying to find the ways to economize your printing cost without compromising the quality, here’re the top money-saving tips for you.


How To Save On Printing Costs?


Print Multiple Pages Per Sheet

This is especially useful when you have to print PDFs, PowerPoint Presentations and MS Word documents. Open the printing dialog box and choose the option to print “Multiple pages on one sheet”. Check if you print driver allows you manually set the number of pages you want to print on a single page.

Use Print Preview

To avoid printing unnecessary pages at the end of the document, use the Print Preview option. It will also help you prevent wastage of valuable printer ink. Checking into print preview will help to identify inefficient gaps, missing page breaks, and excessive spaces. Modify the document to use every page to the fullest.

Reduce Font Size

Reducing the font size will obviously save paper and ink your copier machine consumes. Switching form a 12-point to ten-point makes a surprising difference without trading off the readability. Type of font also makes a consideration here.

A Which Survey revealed that Times New Roman is the most economical font, which reduces ink consumption by 44% as compared to the ink used to print using the font Verdana. Century Gothic also uses less ink, but its wide letters mean more paper. Overall, Times New Roman makes the best choice for economical printing.

Print Duplex

One of the easiest cost-cutting initiatives for office printing is to print on both sides of the pages. Make sure to enable your default printing setting to two-sided printing to save money and paper use.

Draft Output

You can save ink by printing draft copies of the documents for editing work. In the Draft Output mode, formatting, graphics and other features are ignored while printing. This feature is useful for proofreading your content for spelling, grammar and sentence structure in a hard copy.

Follow these steps to enable draft output:

  • Go to the print dialog box and click “Options”.
  • Check “Draft Output”
  • Click “OK”

The steps may vary depending on the version of Microsoft Office you’re using.

Use Green Printing Technology

There are software that highlight and remove unnecessary pages in the document. It does so by analyzing each page for typical waste characteristics, like last page containing just a URL, legal jargon, logo, etc. You can download and use these software from the web if you are using multifunctional copiers.

Bonus Tip

Employers at office and children at home always underestimate the resources. Therefore, one of the best ways to reduce your printing cost is to educate your staff and children about benefits of using the printer unthinkably.



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